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Vierteljahreszeitschrift des Instituts für Europäische Politik in  Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration Banner


Vierteljahreszeitschrift des Instituts für Europäische Politik in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration

Prof. Dr. Frank Schimmelfennig (Vorsitz), Zürich Dr. Katrin Böttger, Berlin Prof. Dr. Thomas Christiansen, Rom Prof. Dr. Friedrich Heinemann, Mannheim Prof. Dr. Mathias Jopp, Berlin Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt, Darmstadt Dr. Barbara Lippert, Berlin Prof. Dr. Hartmut Marhold, Berlin Prof. Dr. Franz Mayer, Bielefeld Prof. Dr. Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Martin Nettesheim, Tübingen Prof. Dr. Joachim Schild, Trier Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels, Köln

Geschäftsführende Redaktion: Dr. Funda Tekin, Schriftleitung, V.i.S.d.P., Sabine Hoscislawski, Redaktionsassistenz, Marcel Vesper, Redaktionsassistenz, Nico Halkenhäuser, Redaktionsassistenz für den AEI.

The quarterly entitled integration will appeal to all those in academia, education, politics, administration and the media who are concerned with European issues. It represents a theory-based and politics-related interdisciplinary forum on fundamental questions relating to European integration, in which the current problems of European policy are discussed from both a political and an academic perspective.

The journal contains three categories of articles: academic contributions and fundamental analyses of European policy, conference reports and literature reviews.

integration is supported by the German Foreign Office.

The IEP (Institut für Europäische Politik) is a strategic partner of the European Commission and is financially supported by it. The IEP assumes sole responsibility for the journal’s content.

For further information on the editors, author guidelines, and peer review process of integration please go to