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Dr. Markus Troja, Oldenburg Prof. Dr. Alexander Redlich, Universität Hamburg Prof. Dr. Renate Dendorfer-Ditges, LL.M. MBA, München Kirsten Schroeter

The journal entitled Konfliktdynamik addresses the subjects of conflicts and conflict management in economics and society. The contributions it contains provide an interdisciplinary overview of the current state of research into and the practice of conflict management along with new developments in this field. With regard to organisations, the journal focuses on the topics of leadership, negotiation, mediation, coaching and consulting. When it comes to the fields of politics and society, it examines current conflictual developments and ways to resolve disputes.


  • is a journal for consultants, arbitrators, mediators and coaches who work in and with organisations or in areas of conflict in society.

  • provides a forum for company executives, human resources managers and company lawyers who work in the field of conflict management and want to be up-to-date in terms of its theory and practice.

  • promotes the development of interdisciplinary academic theory and methodology in research and teaching.

The journal is published quarterly—at the end of March, June, September and December.

Konfliktdynamik provides its readers with information under the headings of Theorie und Praxis (Theory and Practice), Impulse aus der Forschung (New Impetus from Research), Aus den Organisationen (News from Organisations), Internationales (International News), Hinter den Kulissen (Behind the Scenes) and Methoden (Methods). Moreover, in the section entitled In Medias Res Juris it offers incisive information on current legal issues related to conflict management, its Kolumne (Column) encourages analysis and reflection, while the Reviews section contains appraisals of important literature, films and radio plays.