ZögU Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen
Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services. Zugleich Organ des Bundesverbandes Öffentliche Dienstleistungen – Deutsche Sektion des CEEP e.V.
Gegründet von Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Eichhorn und Dr. Achim von Loesch, Redaktion: Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt
- ISSN online: 0344-9777
- doi.org/10.5771/0344-9777
About the Journal
Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services is a multidisciplinary scientific journal. It provides information, discussions and documentations, and is furthermore the organ of the Federal Public Services - German Section of CEEP e. V. The journal offers comprehensive information on the important area of public companies and provides a forum for practitioners and researchers. It is dedicated to federal, state, and local companies, mixed-economy companies, companies of trade unions, chambers, churches, political parties, foundations and associations, publicly committed companies, cooperative companies and, in particular, enterprises of the independent welfare work. The Journal is a forum for economic, political, and social scientists and legal scholars. The publication of papers and short contributions are examined by a scientific anonymous review process that guarantees a consistently high quality of contributions.